The case for building a mobile business app is strong. According to recent statistics, the enterprise mobile app market will be worth $63 billion by 2020. Moreover, the number of mobile apps created by businesses has grown by 126 percent last year. This is a clear indication that the demand for mobile business apps has never been greater. In addition, one study shows that only 23 percent of all apps are used just once, while the majority are used at least 11 times. Ultimately, the success of your business app depends on the timing and circumstance of its launch. You Should Make a Business App.
Relevance and Interaction Monitoring
There are several factors to consider when making a business app. Aside from the design, developers should also pay attention to the performance of their app, how it interacts with users, and any errors. Knowing these factors will help them identify and fix problems before they become major issues.
Create a direct marketing channel
Apps serve many functions: they can provide general info, prices, booking forms, search features, user accounts, messengers, news feeds, and much many more.
One of the biggest benefits of having a mobile app is that all the information you’d like to provide to your customers—including special sales and promotions—is right at their fingertips. Via push notifications you’re getting even closer to a direct interaction, and can easily remind customers about your products and services whenever it makes sense.
Build brand recognition
A mobile app for your business can greatly contribute to your brand awareness. I’d like to break this topic down into two aspects, the combination of which will make your app a true winner:
Brand. A mobile app is like a blank bill board sign. You can do what you want with it; you can make it stylish, hip, functional, bold, or informative. But what you really want to do is create an app that has features your customers will love, while at the same time is well branded and beautifully designed.
Recognition. The more often you can get customers involved with your app , the sooner they will be inclined to buy your product and / or service. In advertising this is called the “effective frequency”: as a rule of thumb, hearing and / or seeing your brand approximately 20 times is what will get you truly noticed.
Relevance and Interaction Monitoring
There are several factors to consider when making a business app. Aside from the design, developers should also pay attention to the performance of their app, how it interacts with users, and any errors. Knowing these factors will help them identify and fix problems before they become major issues.
Improve customer engagement
No matter whether you are selling flowers or spa services, your customers need a way to reach you. Having a messaging (or help desk) feature within your app can really make a difference in the way you communicate with your customers. Think about it: OpenTable, for example, built its entire business model around this principle. Instead of calling a restaurant for a table, you can book it with less than Why You Should Make a Business App five clicks on their platform. Now think about it: How many customers would prefer to communicate with you via text than via phone?
Stand out from the competition
These days mobile apps at the small business level are still less common, and this is where you can take a big leap ahead of your competitors. Be the first in your neighbor hood to offer a mobile app to your customers. They will be impressed by your forward-thinking approach. You Should Make a Business App